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Prelude: There are available-for devotees and scholars as well as for the curious-two photographs of Marilyn Monroe as a child. One shows her as a happy two-year-old, the other as a thoughtful six-year-old girl. Her sixth was the year her virginal innocence first came under assault. She looks, strangely enough like a grown-up~a-grown-up without a family name she has a right to-unless Sorrow were that name. Like the rest of the world, I did not get to see Marilyn until a few triumphs against this sullen world had altered the pure sadness in her face to what may be described as a flaming, dedicated worldliness. It was a picture which perplexed as well as it attracted. But with these two childhood images to compare, even a stranger should be able to reach by calculation-as one finds the value of x in elementary algebra-the cause of her regression into psychosis. The two-year-old face is a triumph in affection and feeding. If more pictures of her in the period were around, she would probably be seen blooming into her fourth year. Chapter One Click baby Marilyn Picture below to continue to next chapter...
I am a big Marilyn Fan
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